Sunday, October 16, 2011
Kickstarter is a success!
We can't wait to hug every single one of you!
because of you Called to Walls has been successfully funded! This means so much to Amber and I! The mission and subject of this film are so near and dear to our hearts and our practices as people and artists. We have been working in good faith on this project for the past year and now your support will carry us into the next. We can't wait to share this film with you! thank you! The next step in the genesis of the film is to log and transcribe all of the beautiful footage and audio we've captured during our time in Tonkawa, Newton and Joplin. This will be a winter well spent! In the Spring we'll be heading to Arkansas and Texas, completing projects in both of these states that summer and beginning post-production in the winter of 2012. You can look forward continue to updates on the Called to Walls blogspot as we move forward.
Thanks for your support,
Amber Hansen & Nicholas Ward
Thursday, October 13, 2011
WOW! 34 new backers in 3 days!!!
Thank you so much for your commitment, Called to Walls is just $845 away from it's goal of $10,000, so very very close!
with just 3 more days to Kick this off we need to keep the momentum! Kickstarter is an all or nothing funding platform, so it's $10,000 or bust. If you have already pledged you can still help by spreading the word! tell your friends and family, anyone you may know that would like to have an opportunity to pledge. Every dollar counts!
thank you for being such great supporters!
Amber & Nicholas
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Home Stretch

Dedication day
With our filming in Joplin completed, Amber and I have returned from the field. What a great opportunity and welcomed responsibility it was to conduct the Mural Project in Joplin during its time of healing. Our interactions and relationships formed during this project are marked by a significant moment in the history of this town. A culture of willful, spirited and resilient individuals, Joplin has likewise left a significant impression upon us. Thank you so very much.
Amber and Nicholas conversing about Nicholas's to-do list. Photo: Frankoski
Dedicated design team member Sherry Pettey
Although we are now home from the field, there is a heap of work still to be done. Nicholas will spend the winter transcribing all of the footage from Tonkawa, Newton and Joplin, we have grants to write, an editor and composer to identify and soon enough, we will be interviewing and identifying a town for the next Mural Project.
Bigger than life
It is because of folks like you that projects like this can exist, at a time when arts funding is seriously compromised and arts agencies all over our country are shaken and at times broken, platforms like Kickstarter and individuals like you provide the tools to make possible projects like Called to Walls. It is your support and your faith in our vision that will make this film possible.
Your support so far has been overwhelming and we thank you! With one week to go, we are so very close to our goal of $10,000. If you believe in this project and its mission, please put the word out to others who would like the opportunity to support Called to Walls. With our goal of $10,000 realized, Called to Walls will move forward into Arkansas and one step closer to post-production!
a game of patty-cake while waiting for the wall to dry from an early morning rain
thanks for standing by us!